Friday, March 4, 2016

Why not be a rebel?

A bit complicated I am to myself.Unable to categorize myself under good and bad domains.Yet so sure that I am a kinda person who never has a heart to leave a bitter memory to the people around me.I've always had a swell to invade forbidden kingdoms.Some delineate me as I am serious.Some say I am incredibly funny.Some say I am jovial and some say I am naughty and it can go non-stop.People are always interested in describing others rather than portraying about themselves.

#Why not be a rebel?
We stand unique when we try the unusual things.We're in a society where women are called feminists when they bring up themselves well.How are we judged?
A girl cuts her short and she is called a 'Tom Boy'.
Gets inked - Characterless!
Wears Jeans - Destroys tradition!
Rides a bike - God forbid!
wears a saree or salwar most of the time - Behenji!
Simple - Unambitious!

We keep shouting about women rights and still end up bothering about the impacts.
I have the habit of informing people about contests that happen in Wipro. When I spoke about this , the first reply I got was 'Do girls know anything other than shopping'!I had to yell back and force people to go through the inspirational stories written over here.

The statements have always been contradictory. We're taught to speak soft but make sure we're heard. We're supposed to be healthy and still look thin. We're supposed to be outgoing yet also bear a different name. Oddly enough, though I didn't mind when I fulfilled other stereotypes.There are so many why not questions that arise on my mind!

#Why not be a shopaholic and not be a spendthrift as well?
#Why not have a high tone and be assertive?
#Why not dress well and not be a vapid?

People regularly tell me what I should be and then turn around and laugh at it.
I had been a lazy bone after my UG ending up in wipro with a great opportunity (WASE). I had always complained about time and wasted almost 2 years. I have always been given all the freedom by my parents. Being a single child , I was pampered but never deprived of anything I wanted to do. (Lucky enough) I'm a player and I want to try each and everything I like. One great day was when I got an opportunity to sing at Wipro(my first performance @Wipro).

To all those people who think that girls who dress up well end up doing nothing, here is something I would like to say. Yes! I love to dress up well and it's really going to be difficult for you to figure out what I am really.
I've taken part in many adventurous sports right from Dirt biking,Kayaking,High rope,Zip lining etc even though I was  zero in sports at school.The bucket list is never going to be left empty. Come on!After all taking risks are like eating rusks :D

I would like to conclude saying that we should live up to stereotypes and break them down. We're born to stand out and not fit in!Life is to live in. Let's live it to the fullest and stop judging people!

"I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference"- Robert Frost

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The rhythm he makes :)

Could you even guess on what am gonna talk about?
Keep guessing as you slide down :P

You melt me,mesmerize me and take me to a world which i had always preferred.

It's been 6 years since i had owned you.You had given me the greatest pleasure ever and had let me down at times.Well, letting someone down probably doesn't means that its done intentionally, situation can be a cause too.Can i ever think of the personal space that i get when am with you ,if i am with someone else?Certainly not!
You bare everything i do.I always tend to forget that you're getting old and i should care for you.The crazy things that you do to draw my attention is a trauma and i would go to such an extent that i should leave you forever.Despite of everything ,i would fall for you each and every-time am with you and so do you.You have made me a lazy goose though :)

You and i have longer memories than the sky that's stretched all around the world!<3
I had always been a madcap with you and had put you into trouble always.I would go anywhere with you.You are my ever best bud :) i hold your hands tight to get the control over you!You flash your eye-lights to show me the right way in dark!You shout hard when someone comes on my way!
Enough of testing people's patience.I guess it's time to reveal who you are!

Oh my cute little scooty!
The time is flying past,
I'm riding so fast,
The rhythm i find,
The world is behind,
I don't care as i glide in time,
I screech in joy,as i ride,
I'm so up flying in air,
Unlocking my tied hairs,
Look at me,
As those wheels create tunes beneath me!! :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Clutch,brake,accelerator!!!Gear it up!!!

Did i write anything since a month?nope i did nothing.I have told you what i am in the previous post! :p am just proving it...

Guessed about what i gonna talk from the title??Why would everything and everyone come in my way when am on a drive?All the ppl r in a wrong lane :p and by my side my best friend, the instructor would keep on asking me "step on clutch!down the gear abi !careful!look aside!look tis side!put on the brake!"everytime he makes me drive i feel like am on a bullock cart.Even that would go faster than my car :(

Everytime he makes me drive i wanted to sing to him the king julian's song "i like to move it move it!'m physically fit,physically fit,physically physically,physically fit! " :p

But the sad part is am allowed to drive oly in the 2nd gear.:'(
he is my best friend all the time but while on a drive?he is my worst enemy!! i always wanted to yell at him "man go to hell,lemme drive as i wish!!":D

Once i happened to drive on a highway.
My bad luck i had 2 great enemies(best friends otherwise;)) with me instructing. They always drive me insane!! 2 idiots of my lifetime!:p We are 3 idiots when we are together!!
Holy shit!!I always wanted to darn all the instructors to heck!!
Well, guess am using too much of exclamations!! but u c my life is full of exclamations... lots of Unexpected turnouts all the time that keep my eyes open wider than they can be. :p

The highway drive is one such unforgettable memory in my lifetime :)
Now it would be good if i could describe these worst enemies in just a word!
One is very cautious ,d other one is very playful (exactly like me :P)
I'm sandwiched between contrasting fellows and always wished i push them outta the car!!! :D (bullock cart) :P

Here,the cautious instructor comes into the play first
"Adjust the rear view mirrors!sit comfortable!Relax!stay calm bla bla bla :-o Watch out!!now listen abi you should just listen to what i say and drive it in a right way. Please put your naughtiness aside and be cautious about what u gonna do! :P"
Do u think i will listen to him?Never i did and never i will! :P He always wanted to play safe.But i had always wanted to try everything i could and make him restless being with me!!

He asked me to change the gear and am always a funny,crazy freak who forgets to switch on the car before i put on a gear! :p they always laugh hard at my crazy drive! :( :( 

Then i tried accelerating and the stupid had put on d hand brake! :( another damage!! :D
At last i thought am steady but yet again another failure :( i tried to accelerate and the car stopped.I could even solve the toughest problem in math but this is always a prob for me!!!! If i could start a car without making it off that day is the happiest day of my life! :p
Now slowly am onto the steady stage and tried driving at 2nd gear coz am allowed to drive oly in it :(

Here comes the fun-loving,cheerful enemy(friend :p) into play!!!!

From the back!"hey girl :p dont u want to drive faster?hit the top gear!come on drive faster! over take as many as u can ! don't listen to him! listen to wat i say!! " And that made me enthusiastic as i wanted to drive a car as it is meant to be! :P Am a thrill seeker!!!!
I started to drive faster!
I was really blinking at that time...One wished that I just touched the accelerator while the other wanted me to step on it.!
 What more could I think of when someone does encourage me on my pursuit of thrill, I stepped on the gas and rode fast as I could.:)

Whatever the signal be,  its always green to me!!!! :D :D

Do  you think i can ever forget such experiences in life????

                                              JOIN ME IF YOU DARE!!. :P

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Perhaps am a lazy bone too!!!!

Music music music...It can be in the form of anything...Next are the white and black keys..Guess what????PIANO!!!!!
I started becoming a pianist dreaming like this....
But what actually happening is this...
And next i have become like this...
Who hates chocolate????Well,Its the wonderful taste of life!!And am the pianist who can play for chocolates! :P :P

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Call it music,I call it my best companion!!!!

"Crescendo","diminuendo"," Allegro" !!!!confused????very curious to know what are all these??Well am much passionate about music and these are the terms related to music!
heart beats for happiness....throat sings for enthusiasm....It takes me direct to paradise..When i talk about paradise my heart hymns "para para paradise!!!!-coldplay"....:):)Music ,the stairway to paradise! :) :)

Well, i ain't a bathroom singer and have done some concerts but yet to learn more things over it!!!!Hoping to do my best over it! :) :)
It's not  uncommon  that people listen to music when they are sad or happy....
I find it a fire escape from all my stresses and depressions.Hope it never leaves me alone!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

About me

Sugar spice and everything nice.A perfect line for an enthusiastic girl....Obviously this is not my own line...Someday ,something which u like or learn in the childhood helps u in future and it has!!!!The opening tag of POWER PUFF GIRLS!!!!!
"the right mix of sugar and spice for a satisfying rush"

Well,this trigger start might captivate i guess!!! :) :)
A bit complicated am to myself.Unable to categorize myself under good and bad domains.Yet so sure that am a kinda person who never has a heart to leave a bitter memory to the people around me....
Some delineate me as am serious.Some say am incredibly funny.Some say am jovial and some say am naughty and it can go non-stop....But still am wondering what am???? :/People are always interested in describing others rather than portraying about themselves.I don't feel bad when someone portray me as bad, neither do i fly high when someone makes it good because i haven't been given a remote control.But still am searching a right word that would sketch me the best!!!!I hope this blog would help me to find it......I'm gonna make my life a quest for finding who am and what am!!
                                                               I'm so curious in learning the things that attracts me well....To be curious is good i suppose.Curiosity makes me to wonder.Wondering makes me to get engaged .Engaging helps to be passionate.At last it moves me to some place where i wouldn't have dreamt about!!!!!await for the next post!!! :) :)